Sunday, June 17, 2012

Thoughts on Father's Day

Dad, I used to be your little girl. I remember those times when you used to cradle me while you're watching the NBA playoffs. I remember those times when kissing you was a habit of mine and would forget that moment when I fell down from that pump boat and plunged into the river one summer getaway we had years ago. I could have drowned if not for your strong arms that encircled my body and lifted me from the water.

But those were the days. Times have changed and growing up was inevitable. We fought a lot. My skirts were too short. I failed my math tests. I talked back. I ignored my curfew hours. Our different perspectives clashed in instances too many to count. Until one day, that awkward silence drew us apart.

Indeed times have changed and growing old is inevitable. But now, as I have come to my adulthood, I have finally seen the meaning behind your frowns and overprotective gestures. I have seen and felt the sacrifices you have to endure so that I could have the kind of life that you didn't get to have in your youth.

Thanks Dad. My humble words are not enough to fully express how lucky and thankful I am for having you. We may not talk a lot. But I know you will always be two steps behind me in every journey I venture.

I'm a big girl now. I'm no longer that little brat with curly hair and chubby cheeks. But hey, I will always be your baby. I love you. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!

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